Monday, July 13, 2015

That's All, Folks

Four consecutive weeks of camp speaking in three states, now history.

But trusting the Lord to continue to honor His Word cast forth in faith...

And this blog comes to an end...

Just a few closing thoughts, some repetitious...

1) Camp is like R&R in Vietnam (and other combat areas)...campers come from the warzone of life 101 to a nibble of heaven, only to return to the warzone six or so days later...

2) A well meaning speaker/counselor can make camp a dangerous place by "pushing" for "decisions" without committing to making disciples. Midweek because of emotional and physical exhaustion any speaker could have any audience do just about anything. We must be careful that Spirit of God does the drawing, not us...

3) The most critical need at camp is good, trained, committed counselors. The worst speaker with good counselors can result in a great week; the best speaker with ill equipped or just doing it to do something counselors will be a disaster

4) Good food and plenty of it is vital.

5) Camp is not the place to learn new songs; maybe a couple, but at least the first meeting start out with songs most of the campers will know. A live worship facilitator or band is nice, and ideal; but
you can make other technology work. Better no live music than bad live music...

6) Allow adequate time for post-meeting counseling. Be willing to dump the rest of the schedule if it appears Spirit of God is moving

7) If you are having a "big" event after the evening "rally"..either move the rally earlier or dump it altogether.

There's more...but that'll go in the book.

you can make tapes

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Almost Done

Tomorrow (Thursday) morning the camp here in Amherst, Colorado will come to an end.

And thus will end my four consecutive weeks of camp speaking (in Missouri, Wisconsin, and Colorado) and I will head home.

Yeah, the voice is a bit tired, I'm a bit worn, but it has been a fantastic time. The Lord has done wondrous things...some we take on faith, some, by His grace, we've seen, heard, and read.

In any case, His Word has been cast forth in faith; and will accomplish His purposes.

In all the camps we were blessed with great food, great counselors, great staff, and, really, pretty awesome weather.

I shall probably write a couple more posts...will be home for a few weeks...doing "normal" work...catching up on incoming mail, etc; writing thank yous; and...let's see...there was something else???

Oh, yeah, officiating my daughter's wedding on July 25! Jane has been working crazily on preparations (we are having the service at our home..outside...please pray for great weather). Still a ton to do...grateful I'll be home to help.

Then in early August Jacob and I will head east, first for my annual "Korean Kamp" and then a couple days of playing tourist in New York City before doing a short camp with an inner city church just across the river in New Jersey.

Then summer...yet another summer...will be over.

Thanks for traveling with....

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Transitioning to Week Four

Overnighting in Des Moines enroute to my fourth and last consecutive week of camp for this journey.

The first week in Pol, Mo (Midland's SuperC) seems so very long ago. Glad I am still having "conversations" (facebook, email, and text) with several campers.

The two weeks at Crescent Lake Bible Camp (Rhinelander, Wi) evaporated too is, for several reasons, my favorite camp...first time I spoke there was at a winter retreat in 1980 or so...

And now to Camp Machasay on the Colorado/Nebraska line...a small camp with a great staff, directed by one of my dearest friends.

Anything new these first three weeks?

Not really, although there was much discussion...and arguing...about homosexuality in light of the "supreme" courts decision on gay "marriage."

As I told the teens and counselors, Christians can certainly disagree about the whole gay "marriage" thing (for instance, when I think of the millions if not billions of dollars spent by Christians fighting this fight I grimace...fighting spiritual battles with man's weapons hasn't worked since Peter drew the sword and proved yes, he was impulsive and also that he was a lousy swordsman). That money could have been used to fight trafficking, poverty, hunger, etc, but instead as flushed down a non-winnable drain (and, frankly, I don't care about "gay rights" until they infringe on mine).

But the act is sin. Just as is premarital, extramarital, sex with a dog etc.

Did a (written) question answer session with about 45 senior high teens. Three of the questions were variations of, "How can it be sin if they were born that way?" Two wondered what I thought of transsexuals.

They, like all too many adults, are learning much from media and little from the Bible...and, as one teen told me, "My parents never talk about this stuff, and my youth pastor never does either...when I ask him he tells me to ask my parents."

I know that in all too many churches a youth pastor who approaches the topic of sex in any fashion may well be run out of town on a rail.

And that disgusts.

So there is not much "new." Same old stuff. Lots of teens from "good" churches who are Biblically illiterate. thankfully..there are exceptions.

So we press on in our narrow mindedness.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Quick Catch Up

Whew. Enjoyed the short break between junior high and senior high week. Actually not much of one, Saturday night "Collide" and I had the joy of attending a back yard barbecue for those interested in Bible quizzing; had great food, saw several old friends and met new ones, and the band led worship and I spoke. Senior highers arrived yesterday, small group; over half have been with me before, which makes for good, early connection.

The worship band is doing such a good job staying out of the way. By that I mean some "worship" bands (not just at camp) come across as performers in concert rather than facilitators of worship. Not "Collide." I've had the privilege of working with them for several years here at Crescent Lake...wish I could bring them to all the camps at which I speak.

On a light note, returning from church Sunday I stopped at a garage sale..nothing but junk. But as I left the seller said, "Why don't you take this thing..for free?" I thought that was a great price, knew that were I a counselor I'd have a great deal of fun with it...

Meet "Slasher" (Yes, I named it; and while I was introducing him to the staff and campers; God gave me a word (kidding!):  "Beware the Hare"...He is randomly appearing throughout the camp...this should be a good week...

Friday, June 26, 2015

Sex, Supremes, and Starts

Today is the final full day of junior high week at Crescent Lake Bible Camp.

Last night we addressed, strongly and clearly, the subject of sex outside of marriage.

"To junior highers?" 

If that is your reaction may I suggest you get your head out of the, ah, sand?

"That should be talked about at home!" Couldn't agree more...but guess what?  It isn' the vast majority of cases. Many youth pastors, volunteer or "professional," don't address the issue for fear they'll be run out of town.

Many of these young people indicated God spoke to them through His Word and we pray the impact will continue.

This morning I encouraged them to try the following in order to help ensure that they are able to continue to 2 Peter 3.18 (look it up if you don't know it; it summarizes our "mission statement")

Our theme has been "STAND" and thus I am hopeful they can remember to:

Study (no way any of us...of any age...can be effective for the Lord until and unless we develop a regular, systematic intake of the Word of God. Period. End of sentence. That's it.

Talk nag God..."pray without ceasing" perhaps means "pray without ceasing." Encouraged to develop a written prayer list so they don't lie too often..the first most stated lie of Christians is "Fine" (in response to "How are you doing?"). The second, probably unintentional, is "I'll be praying for you."

Assemble be part of a Bible-believing, Christ-exalting church. "Ask not what your church can do for you; ask what you can do for your church." Don't be like so many "I love Jesus but I hate the churchers"...spiritual adulterers having an affair with Jesus...

Notice Stay alert to people around you, "esteem others as better than yourselves". Be Jesus-with-skin-on to hurting people. Don't pray for opportunities to share Jesus, take advantage of the opportunities we have every day.

Do Yup, we are saved by grace through faith and that not of works, but Ephesians 2.10 is just as inspired (if too often ignored) as 8 and 9, "We are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for the purpose of bringing forth good works, which He has before ordained that we should practice them."
Genuine salvation works - no fruit, no shoot, no root.

Tonight I'll challenge them to go "all in" with the Lord Jesus, and tomorrow the camp ends.

No, by faith and through faith I pray the things they've learned in Bible study, preaching etc start as they go back to the war zone of real life 101.

And...tonight I tell them of the Supreme Court's decision, and remind them that the Supreme Court is NOT supreme...and that whatever they say does not negate God's Word. And though many Christians will be whining, we instead should be worshiping, because, after all....Speakers Up...Click Here

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Putting Men in Prison Is Part of My Ministry

There are at least three men in prison because of me.

Well, not because of me, but because of their horrific sin.

But because I tell teens that if they are suffering abuse they need to talk to someone, several have responded, talked to me and the particular camp director; the authorities notified, police involved, arrests made, testimony taken, convictions decreed, and prison the result.

In my flesh prison is too good for them, and as an ex-con I know of what I speak.

Last night a young lady asked if she could speak to me following my message on the totality and extent of God's forgiveness.

With sobs she told me of the abuse she suffered, her near suicide (but for the intervention of an alert educator she'd be dead), her speaking out of the abuse, the arrest of the perp, the horribleness of having to describe the details, and the incarceration...

She has difficulty forgiving. Duh. But we spoke of the freedom that comes when we do forgive...and she is thinking about it...

The damage is done, the memories linger. Pray with me that she, and all the others, will accept the fact that they have no sin to be forgiven of, they are victims; they remain precious in His sight (and ours, I trust); they are not "damaged goods," and as they look to Jesus they can and will grow out of the pain and memories. Perhaps not totally, but as their minds are "washed by the renewing of His Word" healing comes.

This young lady is not a camper; but a worker at the camp. She is 17. She is your sister. Would you pray for her? Obviously I can't give her name, but God knows...

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Biblical Illiteracy

Entering second full day at Crescent Lake Bible Camp Junior High week.

Great campers, great staff, great place.

But continually amazed, depressed, and furious at the Biblical ignorance of the majority of include many of the campers this week.

Of course not all are churched, or, if churched, many go to the First Church of the Frigedare with Pastor Jack Frost preaching out of Psychology Today. But most come from evangelical churches...and, sadly, most can't find Ephesians.


Well, the buck stops with Mom and Dad. Then the local church.

If you are a parent, do your kids see you reading the Word? Do you pray with them as well as for them? What are they learning about the gospel and Christ interacting with you?

Is your church actively teaching or simply maintaining?

Why are there so many apathetic, ignorant professing Christians in our churches?

Because they weren't taught/challenged/edified during the days of their youth.

Some say "today's teens and preteens can't handle much. They are too tech savvy and can't sit under old-fashioned preaching."

That might be true if I was preaching my words; or my theories. But I am proclaiming the living, active Word of God; and His Spirit does things with His Word that are inexplicable.

So far this week we've touched on differing views of predestination, different ideas on the perseverance of the saints, and this morning I'll teach on "The Authority of Scripture." No tear jerker stories, no sleezy jokes, "just" the Word.

I'm not against stories...I am not against humor...

But if we focus on that stuff with little emphasis on the Word...may as well be 4H or YMCA.

And I can't do that.